

gå snett i gula snödrivor tramsiga blogg läsare som babblar MASSA BLÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖJJA ! ksadfkagfåosdngfoisdgoisdoisdnhoigsonhjfsdöfoihgsdofignsdåoiösnhoifdhsofdfojkfd Puss !!!!!!!!!

Postat av: Smartie

Blöja, som på bebisar eller blajja? lite oklart, sen gå snett i gula snödrivor, aa då vrickar man ju fötterna men varför ska snödrivorna vara gula just? Hur hjälper det? Nu får du utveckla det där lite.. ;/

2010-01-14 @ 09:34:33
Postat av: emla

tyst bella

2010-01-14 @ 10:04:41
Postat av: Smartie

hihi u love me!

2010-01-14 @ 11:01:42
Postat av: Anonym

Dreamed I was an eskimo

Frozen wind began to blow

Under my boots and around my toes

The frost that bit the ground below

It was a hundred degrees below zero...

And my mama cried

And my mama cried

Nanook, a-no-no

Nanook, a-no-no

Don't be a naughty eskimo

Save your money, don't go to the show

Well I turned around and I said oh, oh oh

Well I turned around and I said oh, oh oh

Well I turned around and I said ho, ho

And the northern lights commenced to glow

And she said, with a tear in her eye

Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow

Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow

2010-01-14 @ 13:44:09

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